Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much – Helen Keller

School Committees

Well organized involvement of Human resources of an institution is a key to success for the institution. AECS No 3 has adopted the policy of distribution of all the work of academic, co-curricuar and extra curricular activities through various committees. There are many committees at AECS No 3 to deal with specific areas of school life. Each committee has an Overall in charge who reports to the principal and Vice Principal and conveys his/ her thoughts to the other members. Committees meet as required in the academic session. The members are in communication regularly to plan and execute the activities smoothly.

Membership of a staff committee is a serious responsibility and requires the energy, efforts and imagination of all its members throughout the year. Committees arrange to meet to plan how they can help in the smooth running of the school and engage the interest of the children during the year. All committees seek to involve other staff and the students in their activities.

School Apex Body of Students

Special Committees

School gives opportunity to grow the leardership qualities of students by providing various responsibilities to the students through School Apex Body. The various responsibilities to the students are School captain, Vice captain, sports captain, CCA captain, Library captain, Captains and vice captains of different houses, monitors, discipline in-charges, volunteers etc.

School has various committees for conducting different programmes and to manage the school activities in planned manner. Apart from school committees, School Advisory Committee(SAC), Sexual Harrassment Committee and PUVVN committee play vital role in assisting the school management for the relevent activities in the school